Home > Book Center>From Follower to Leader: Huawei’s Journey of Management System Restructuring


Mr. REN Zhengfei once said, “The most precious thing about Huawei is its lifeless management system. Huawei won’t leave anything behind but its management. The management system will be passed down from generation to generation. Huawei’s greatest achievement is establishing a lifeless management system.” Through over 20 years of continuous management innovation, Huawei has built a robust process-based management system, enabling the company to transition from a follower to a leader in the ICT field. This book revolves around four key elements of management: strategic management, process restructuring, organizational development, and continuous change. It covers topics such as Huawei’s strategic management processes, strategic planning methods and models, essential points from strategic planning to execution, process restructuring, and strategic-driven process architecture designs, process-oriented organizational development, project-oriented enterprise construction, quality culture development, business process transformation, and digital transformation practices. The book elaborates on Huawei’s concept and method of customer-centric management system restructuring, the core secrets behind Huawei’s sustained and leading growth, and the underlying logic of turning uncertainty into certainty.

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