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Roy Lee from Cengage Learning Group Visited TUP

On January 30th, Roy Lee, Managing Director/Vice President of Cengage Learning Asia, visited Tsinghua University Press (TUP) and held talks with QIU Xianqing, President of TUP. SUN Yu, Deputy General Editor of TUP, and LIU Zhibin, Head of the Management, Humanities and Social Sciences and the Foreign Languages editorial branches also attended the meeting.

QIU Xianqing welcomed ROY Lee and guests from Cengage Learning and reviewed the cooperation between the two publishers over the past five years. Qiu Xianqing stated that against the backdrop of constant changes and disruptions posed by new technologies in the publishing market in recent years, TUP has steadfastly aimed for excellence and strived to build itself into a world-class university pressHe also looked forward to the prospect of deeper and wider cooperation between Cengage and TUP in the future. Roy Lee introduced the trends and changes of higher education book market in the United States. The attendees discussed the status quo of the textbook and trade book market, future publishing trends and the integration of digital technologies.

Cengage is one of the largest education and technology companies in the world that provides information for lifelong learning. It has many famous publishing brands, and its published products and services cover higher education, K-12, professional, library and workforce training markets worldwide.

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