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iLIVER Indexed by DOAJ

On January 10th, 2025, iLIVER, was accepted for indexing in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) (https://doaj.org/), a prestigious global index of open access journals.

DOAJ, stands as the world's most influential list of open access journals and is ranked among the top five literature-retrieval systems globally, alongside PubMed, SCI, Scopus, and EI. With 21,276 open access journals from 136 countries worldwide, including 10,705,835 articles across all fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and humanities, DOAJ is dedicated to providing readers with free access to high-quality, peer-reviewed resources. Inclusion in DOAJ is granted only to journals with stringent quality control systems, ensuring the excellence of their content.

iLIVER's inclusion in DOAJ signifies that its content and quality have met international standards. Articles published in iLIVER following its inclusion will be distributed simultaneously in DOAJ, providing free reading and download links via Science Direct. The inclusion represents a significant boost for the journal's dissemination, exposure, and academic influence.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the editors-in-chief, editorial board members, and operation team for their tireless dedication and to the reviewers, authors, and readers for their unwavering support. iLIVER remains committed to its founding principles, adheres to rigorous peer review standards, and optimizes the publishing process, striving to deliver high-quality publishing services to the hepatobiliary research community.

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