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Artificial Intelligence and Information Sensing

Author: Wang Xue
Subject:Computer Science
Publication Date:2018.06.01
Page Count:368

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The book, with a focus placed on the crossing field of AI and information perception, examines the composition, features and operation process of the information perception system, follows the cardinal line of perception, fusion and intelligent processing, emphatically introduces the frontier theories and methods of AI in the context of information perception processing. The content in this book is respectively about information perception, data fusion, neural computing, deep learning, support vector machine, fuzzy computing, genetic algorithms and swarm intelligence, which point out a new direction for the development of AI in the future. With a clear logic, rigorous narration and abundant examples, this book boasts a high academic value and can be regarded as a rare piece of work in this field. It can be used as a textbook for undergraduates and postgraduates of relevant majors.

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  • Prof. Wang Xue is Deputy Director of the Department of Precision Instruments, Tsinghua University, and Deputy Director of Tsinghua’s State Key Laboratory of Precision Measurement Technology and Instruments; mainly dedicated to studying the Intelligent sensing and information perception technology, IOT testing and big data information processing, AI and its application.

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