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医学基础化学 MEDICAL BASIC CHEMISTRY(英文版)(留学生与双语教学用)


作者:陈正华 曹海燕 乔华


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Preface 前言 General chemistry is an important basic curriculum in medical colleges. Through the study of general chemistry, students can master the essential concepts, theories and their applications in medicine. All these can be helpful for students’ consequent courses, work, scientific research and ability training. The present book is intended to serve as a textbook for international students majoring in medical professional. It also applies to the bilingual teaching for clinical medical students as well as the students from other related specialties such as preventive medicine, medical imaging, nursing, stomatology, pharmacy, and public health services. The teaching material is written by the teachers who have taught international students for years. Many years of teaching practice in English and educational research has made the contents of general chemistry more rational and practical. The textbook is designed to put chemistry in the context of medical science as well as other disciplines in which an understanding of the fundamentals of chemistry and of living things is valuable. The material covered collects nearly all key points of general chemistry and systematically practical exercises which involve medical points. We hope we have set up a clear bridge between chemistry and medicine by the text edition. Otherwise, in science field, chemistry is the foundation of biochemistry, molecular biology, medicine, pharmacy and other medical related scope. It can provide methods to analyze and solve medical related problems. Therefore, it is very important to study general chemistry for medical students, not only for knowledge memorizing, but using chemistry as a proper tool to analyze and solve problems. This book is a good introduction to general chemistry for the first year medical students. The teaching material is edited in thirteen chapters, mainly introducing chemical knowledge needed in higher education such as the theory of dilute solutions, the principle of physical chemistry, basic knowledge of material structure, analytical methods, etc. The first four chapters (except for Chapter 1) introduce the concepts of solutions, including the colligative properties of dilute solutions in Chapter 2, electrolyte solutions in Chapter 3, buffer solutions in Chapter 4. We discuss the method and significance of acid-base titration in Chapter 5. The Chapter 6, and Chapter 7 deal with the thermodynamics and the kinetics of chemical reactions. Chemical equilibrium and electrochemistry are discussed in the next two chapters, and then from chapter 10 to 11, the materials focus on the structures of atoms and molecules. At last, the coordination compounds and colloids will be discussed. At the end of the book, there are the answers to all the problems presented in this book. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of the contributors who wrote or edited the chapters of this textbook. The support of the institution, International College, Tianjin Medical University is essential for this book. We especially would like to acknowledge HAN Fei, dean of the college, and his colleagues, for their encouragement and substantive support. We appreciate the editors of the publisher, especially Mrs. Li Jun, for helpful advice and support. We have made all efforts to make this book as clear, practical and readable as possible. Finally, we welcome any comments, criticisms and suggestions from readers on this book for the improvement of our work. Chen Zhenghua Cao Haiyan Qiao Hua November 2019

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  • 主编陈正华:毕业于南开大学化学系,硕士学位,副教授,是天津医科大学第一批授予留学生教学资格的教师。1995年至今在天津医科大学从事医用化学本科生、留学生教学。从事留学生英文授课17年。主持国家“十五”重点立项课题“21世纪中国高等学校农林/医药类专业数理化基础课程的创新与实践”子项目 ,医学化学(基础化学、有机化学融为一体)新课程体系的创新与研究”,主持天津医科大学教学研究基金“医用基础化学双语教学课程建设”,参与卫生部课题---视听教材医用化学综合性实验。主编供留学生使用的教材《GENERAL CHEMISTRY》,《Guid to Chemical Experiments》,《Experimental Organic Chemistry Fo rMedical Students》,校内出版。主持编写教育部全英文临床医学专业《基础化学英语教学大纲》。参编教育科学“十五”国家规划课题研究成果《医用化学实验》 高等教育出版社,《基础化学习题解析》 高等教育出版社, 《医用基础化学实验》 科学普及出版社。
  • 医用基础化学是一门公共基础课,主要介绍与医学有关的化学知识。学习该课程有利于后续课程的学习,能为学生将来的医学研究和临床工作打下坚实的基础。根据医学生的专业特点、需求,结合留学生的语言特点和自身学识基础,由浅入深系统的介绍化学基础知识。讲述化学在医学研究和临床中的应用,弥补其它教材的不足。采用PBL(以问题为中心)的方法编写教材。
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    Chapter 1 Introduction.............................................. 1 

    1.1  Chemistry is a Central Science ........................... 1 

    1.2  The Scope of the Book ......................................... 1 

    1.3  Advice for Studying Chemistry ......................... 2 

    Chapter 2  Colligative Properties of Dilute Solutions ..................................................... 3 

    2.1  Concentration Expressions .............................................3 

    2.2 Lowering of Vapor Pressure and RAOULT’S Law.................................................... 4 

    2.3 Boiling Point Elevation........................................ 6 

    2.4 Freezing Point Depression .....

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